To get your VPN01 account working on OpenVPN, simply download OpenVPN using one of the links below and then download the configuration file.

Windows: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html
MAC: https://tunnelblick.net/downloads.html

OpenVPN config files: https://vpn01.com/ovpn_config.zip

Any questions, chat to us below.
or e-mail us at support@vpn01.com

NOTE: You will need to purchase an account with us below
before you can start using the VPN dialer. Please wait until you receive an e-mail from us, letting you know your account is activated.

NOT WORKING? See our troubleshooting help page.

NOTICE: Remember DO NOT DOWNLOAD TORRENTS when connected to any of our VPN servers except our Swedish server. Always remember to quit applications such as BitTorrent & UTorrent when connecting to our UK & US VPN servers. Failure to do so can result in temporary account suspension, always read our terms before using our service.